Healing is about much more than biology and chemistry-Join us for an exploration of ancestral healing with Lawrence Messerman

Watermark-1From a traditional perspective, nearly all ‘dis-ease’ stems from an imbalance at the deepest levels of our being. Modern allopathic medicine is powerful at treating symptoms, and this can be a necessary starting point. But our ancestors did not distinguish between physical, mental and spiritual ailments.  All were seen as part of the same weave. Medicine that is rooted in this wisdom can help chronic problems that are resistant to allopathic medicine–including depression, anxiety or lack of purpose. Such transformational healing brings greater acceptance, joy, and meaning to life. In the process, symptoms can disappear and we have a vision and vitality that benefits our families, communities and the world at large.


larryWhile completing his doctorate in education, Lawrence Messerman experienced the call to become a marakame or healer and ritual leader in the tradition of the Huichol people of the western Sierra Madre Mountains of Mexico. He was initiated in 2004. He has served as a Co-Executive Director of the international Sacred Fire Community and along with his wife, Jessica De la O, he is a Firekeeper under the auspices of that organization. He and Jessica have lived in Bend since 2009.

For more information, contact: bendfires@gmail.com, (541) 241-6673