Memoir Header (1)
Thursdays, 10-11:30am, September 21-November 17th
So many of us have the urge to write, yet we have trouble committing to it. This fall, find inspiration and structure in a class devoted to the practice of writing memoir.
Prompts will fuel timed writing sessions both in and outside our meeting time. Memories will surface and the writing process – based on Natalie Goldberg’s landmark book Writing Down the Bones – will instigate reflection on their deeper meaning.
Goldberg’s Old Friend from Far Away: The Practice of Writing Memoir will serve as the backbone of our curriculum. Together we’ll read and discuss the memoir Temperance Creek by Eastern Oregon writer Pamela Royes as well as several memoir/personal essays. A deep study of quality writing can help us learn and grow ourselves as writers.
All writing levels welcome, from aspiring to professional. Your goal can be as simple as recording memories for your grandchildren or as grand as publishing a full length memoir. By the end of our eight weeks together, you’ll be armed with tools to take a writing project anywhere you want it to go.
Cost: $185