whole new

Join Alison Cox, Certified Facilitator at Access Consciousness® and Talk To The Entities™ for a weekend discovering what you know, what have wondered, and what you were afraid to know about the spirit world!

What questions do YOU have that have never been answered or you felt were never allowed to ask? Have you ever WONDERED…

What do I know about entities and and what the heck is an entity anyway?! What do entities have to do with me and my life?

Are entities scary and can they hurt me? Can I communicate with entities?

Could entities make me money?

Are Angels real?

What ELSE is out there??

Please note- this is an advanced class- if you already haven’t received an introduction to Access Bars, you can attend this class the Wednesday before.

For more info please go HERE:

Or ask our AMAZING host, Jen:

Jen Morey – jem.rox@gmail.com (720) 288-6868