Naturopathic Pediatric Care

By Joshua Phillip, ND Naturopathic pediatrics is a distinct approach to the health and wellness of your child. Diagnostic methods such as laboratory testing and physical exams are performed in a similar manner to conventional medicine, as it is important to be thorough and [...]

Four Simple Steps to Staying Healthy

Naturopathic Advise on Staying Healthy How doing frour simple things can help keep you healthy.  Eat Clean. Exercise. Increase hydration. Sleep. 1. Eat Clean.  This means quit sugar. Yes NO sugar. Read all the labels (added sugars include brown sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, [...]

How to Detox in Today’s World

Have you ever thought about how many toxins impact our lives? Exposure to toxins is a fact of modern life. Substances like heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals from household materials and cleaning products are ingested, inhaled or absorbed into our bodies throughout our lifetimes. Some of [...]

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