TRE® – Tension and Trauma Release Exercises with Shanti happens every 2nd Wednesday from 6-7:30 p.m. There are 13 spots available for each class – $40 new students – $15 returning students – Registration is Required 

Bring yoga mat, comfortable clothes, water bottle, and eye mask if needed.
Sign up by calling the front desk at 541-330-0334, email or use our online request form.

About TRE

Free yourself from stress reactions and find inner peace and power with TRE® – Tension and Trauma Release Exercises. TRE assists the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. The exercises safely activate a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. When this muscular shaking/vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance.

A Revolutionary Approach to Trauma Management

Tension and Trauma Release Exercises, commonly known as TRE®, is a revolutionary approach to stress and trauma management that focuses on the body’s natural ability to release tension and heal. Developed by Dr. David Berceli, a bioenergetic therapist, TRE® is grounded in the understanding that traumatic experiences and chronic stress can become stored in the body, leading to physical and emotional imbalances.

The foundation of TRE® lies in a series of simple exercises designed to induce a controlled shaking or tremor response in the muscles. This shaking is an innate, neurogenic response that animals in the wild often use to discharge stress and tension after a threatening situation. By intentionally engaging in these tremors, individuals can activate the body’s natural mechanisms for releasing stored stress and trauma.

The TRE® process is typically guided by a certified TRE® provider, especially in the initial stages. Participants learn a series of exercises that involve gentle stretches and muscle activation, gradually allowing the body to enter a tremor state. This shaking or tremoring is a self-regulating mechanism that helps the body release tension and stress at a physiological level. Over time, individuals may develop the ability to engage in TRE® as a self-help tool, providing a practical and empowering way to manage stress and trauma on their own.

Many people find TRE® to be a valuable complement to traditional therapeutic approaches, as it addresses the physical aspect of stress and trauma, promoting a holistic healing process. By engaging the body’s natural release mechanisms, TRE® offers a unique and accessible approach to well-being, fostering a sense of relaxation, resilience, and balance.

About Shanti

Shanti is a counselor, intuitive energy healer, and TRE and breathwork teacher. She has had a private practice in Bend for 15 years and has been teaching this type of breathwork class for over 6 years. Learn more about Shanti …

There are 13 spots available – $40 – Registration is Required
Sign up by calling 541-330-0334, email or use our online request form.