Hawthorn Healing Arts naturopathic physicians believe that it is possible that breast cancer may be prevented before the disease has an opportunity to take hold. With routine naturopathic consultations women are supported beyond diagnosis and treatment and onto a path of holistic wellness.

Research indicates that cancer doubles on average every 90 days, and at this rate neoangiogenic vessels form at about 2 years after the first cancer cell has formed, but detection of a structural mass may not occur until 5 to 8 years, when there are 1 to 5 billion cancer cells. The goal within naturopathic medicine is to treat the cause and to find functional changes long before tumors grow to this size. Self-screening for structural breast changes is the most obvious place to start when it comes to prevention and can begin with mindful self-examination beginning at puberty.

Naturopathy considers patient education an integral part of medical care. During consultations, women have the opportunity to learn what can be done to reduce their lifetime risk of the disease. When a patient is in the at-risk category for breast cancer naturopathy will often focus on prevention in the form of nutrition, botanical medicine, supplements, psychological and emotional support and of course, exercise. In addition, treatment may also include acupuncture, homeopathy, and intravenous therapies.

Breast Cancer Screening Exams

Annual gynecological exam vs physical exam or wellness exam

Insurance companies offer 2 “freebie” exams for Women/Transgender men with female biology.

1. Gynaecological exam
2. Physical exam.

Men get one physical exam annually, as they don’t have the equivalent of a gynecological exam. We offer both kinds of exams here at Hawthorn Healing Arts Center and we encourage people to get yearly lab work and blood work that can be included in this screening.

Breast Cancer Facts

What are the risk factors for breast cancer? Family history of cancer, prior breast biopsy with pathology, early start of menses as a child, late menopause, no pregnancies, late age of 1st pregnancy, hormone replacement with estrogen & progesterone, no breastfeeding, increased age, increased weight, alcohol consumption, smoking, dense breasts, and high dose chest irradiation at 10-30 years old.

What age should you start screening? It differs on the recommending body. American College of Ob/Gyn says to offer mammogram at 40, and to recommend at 50. The US Prevention task force says at 50, American Cancer Society says to offer at 40- 45, and to recommend at 45; National Comprehensive Cancer Network says 40.

How often should I be screened? Annually or biennially (by shared decision making). This depends on the risk factors above, and is a good reason to do an annual exam to work through these decisions.

When can I stop?  AT 75 years of age, or within 10 years life expectancy.

What are the possible adverse events?  For Mammograms: False positives, anxiety, distress, discomfort, over diagnosis, over treatment, and radiation.

 Are there alternatives? Thermography, UltraSound, MRI.

Consider that men can get Breast Cancer too! Clinical breast exam, mammogram, thermography, etc. are available for men. Call our office at 541-330-0334 to schedule a consultation today!