Blossoming Cosmos of Divine Love –  May 25, 2015

Memorial Day Greetings,

Hope you are catching your breath and enjoying some well-deserved revitalizing somewhere… or can at least enjoy a beer when you get off work!  Love to you all.  Remembrance and gratitude to all who have died trying to make this world a better place, … sadly even those who were forced into horrible situations in that name.

I wanted to send you my latest painting.  Since we are packing everything into storage to put the house on the market, I knew that I would be losing access to my art supplies for quite some time.  So I hunkered down, and serenaded by Michael Franti (Love is My Religion) and Eric Hutchinson, I rekindled the passion I have for co-creating.  This painting is “Blossoming Cosmos of Divine Love” and it represents the seductive nature of the Divine opening arms to us through all of creation.   I hope you feel the intimate love and power of the Divine nestling into our hearts; I feel this each time I meditate and pray.  Of course, now that the paints are packed, I am still analyzing design and color balance and have changes in my mind, but kept sensing, “…all is well, there is preciousness in the chaos and imperfection of every moment in life, … love what is, … be blessed.”  So – “Okay, It’s Alright with Me” –  Eric Hutchinson.

I pray that you are all supported in life with all you need, and that you know you are never alone.  I miss you all and look forward to the next time we meet.

To everyone’s family and friends, breath of life and Divine grace to support and sustain all.  This can seem a rough journey so many times, and even without earth quakes, war, and the darkest of all shadowy shit that the world can impose on us, we each have our own struggles and challenges.  I send you all light and love in hopes that your journey has a ray of hope, and reprieve with every kind word, and hug that we share with each other.  One life at a time – lets continue to transform ourselves and spread joy so that we change the world.  In my brighter moments, I know in my heart that we are building momentum, and really, it can be a lovely dream if we let it.

Love, Light, and Laughter
