You may feel relaxed, refreshed, or tired and “different” after your Craniosacral therapy session.  It is wise to avoid exertion and any abrupt motions that put strain on your structural system after your treatment.  Your body has likely undergone some soft tissue releases and realignment, and needs time to become accustomed to this new posture.  Avoid extreme exercise or activities that tax your energy and healing resources.  You may be “recalibrating” and re-learning to move in a new neutral alignment with your body.  Allow yourself a day or two to become settled in this new balance.  Feel justified in pampering yourself for awhile and allow yourself to finish processing.

Drink plenty of water…hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!  Many body chemicals have been moved and “freed” up in your body, and some toxins may have been released from storage.  Your body is trying to flush these toxins out and improve the electrochemical communications within your body.  By giving your body lots of water it can detoxify and improve the fluidity of communication within the body.

For a few days you may still be aware of your body processing the changes that began during your treatment.  Be kind to yourself and be aware that emotions may come up more freely or unexpectedly.  Sometimes a new layer of awareness is coming to the surface and old symptoms may be stirred up.  This should resolve shortly and your awareness, attention and patience with yourself can help the process.  If you do not have an opportunity to allow this at the moment, jot a reminder note and take time shortly to allow this cleansing process to complete itself.  You may wish to make your immediate family, or support network with whom you spend time, aware that this can happen.  Take your time with any big decisions..

Over the next few days you may wish to give yourself time for “listening” to your body, or make this a regular daily habit.  Find a comfortable position; let your body become heavy and relaxed focusing on your breathing – allowing full free breaths – and ask yourself if there are any insights or messages regarding your health, or any body system or area that seems to be “lighting up” since your last CST session.  Change takes time and intention, but your body will thank you for asking and paying attention.

If a young baby or child that has received treatment, remember that their sleeping patterns can change, and don’t be alarmed if they take a long nap, or sleep through the night if this isn’t typical.  Like adults they are processing and can be more emotional.  Feel free to call with any questions.