Entering the Dream of Nature –
An Exploration of Healing
Thursday, October 1st, 7-9pm, $5 suggested donation
Description: Prior to the modern era, we lived in the dream of nature–feeling our connection to the land, the plants, the animals, the mountains, and the rivers. Restoring that deep connection can be immensely beneficial to our health and well-being. This event will give you an ‘experiential taste’ of two powerful and complimentary modalities that can bring you back into the dream of nature: Plant Spirit Medicine and healing in the Huichol tradition of Mexico.
Bio: Lawrence Messerman, PhD is an initiated marakame or healer and ritual leader in the Huichol tradition.Jessica De la O is a Plant Spirit Medicine healer. Both are initiated Firekeepers under the auspices of the Sacred Fire Community and offer monthly sacred fire community gatherings in Bend.
For more information, contact bendfires@gmail.com or (541) 241-6673