Ariana Saraha-Mythic Songstress


Ariana Saraha – Mythic Songstress…

Come treat your soul to a journey to the mysterious wilds


Saturday, February 22, 7 p.m.

$10 at the door

Inspired by the exotic sounds of Mideast, Celtic, and Classical Indian musics, as well as a few drops of her own gypsy blood, Mother Nature’s wilds, and the cosmic soul we are all born from, Ariana offers her song to the heart of humankind, that we may know ourselves deeper, in a wild and beautiful way…

Accompanying her evocative, soulful, and angelic voice with the entrancing sounds of frame drums, mideast percussion, live-looping and dancer anklet-bells, Ariana will offer a feast for the ears and eyes…

OFFICIAL BIO: At once earthy and ethereal, Ariana’s lush voice and exquisite compositions take the listener on a mystical and soulful journey. Most often compared to Celtic singer Loreena McKennitt and goth/dark-wave duo Dead Can Dance, Ariana is a spellbinding artist, escorting audiences into realms untouched by the day-to-day. The exotic fusion of sounds that inspire her music draw upon her gypsy roots, traditional music of India and the Middle-East, Celtic and Spanish flavorings, and the shamanic soul of Peruvian Icaros. Through her entrancing melodies, sultry grooves, and compelling lyricism, Ariana becomes a siren for the soulfully seeking. She does so in the most enchanting way, through the uncommon passion and lush purity of her angelic voice. “Ariana not only has one of the most achingly beautiful voices you have ever heard, but she writes incredible songs as well. Her songs go to depths and heights not often visited by songwriters today. Mystical, sensual, inspiring, and real; she is not afraid of the darkness, but, just as important, she is not afraid of the light.” — T.D.H., Boulder, CO “Ariana’s performances are prayerful and passionate, provocative and playful. Her beautiful voice and rhythms weave sublime strands of the sacred into a kinesthetic personal experience for the listener. Yum! Long live the gypsy heart.” – D.F., Boulder, CO

2020-08-27T14:41:13-07:00Categories: Uncategorized|

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Ariana Saraha…Mythic Songstress

Ariana Saraha – Mythic Songstress…

Come treat your soul to a journey to the mysterious wilds

Thursday September 19, 2013 7:00 p.m.

$10 at the door


Inspired by the exotic sounds of Mideast, Celtic, and Classical Indian musics, as well as a few drops of her own gypsy blood, Mother Nature’s wilds, and the cosmic soul we are all born from, Ariana offers her song to the heart of humankind, that we may know ourselves deeper, in a wild and beautiful way…

Accompanying her evocative, soulful, and angelic voice with the entrancing sounds of frame drums, mideast percussion, live-looping and dancer anklet-bells, Ariana will offer a feast for the ears and eyes…

OFFICIAL BIO: At once earthy and ethereal, Ariana’s lush voice and exquisite compositions take the listener on a mystical and soulful journey. Most often compared to Celtic singer Loreena McKennitt and goth/dark-wave duo Dead Can Dance, Ariana is a spellbinding artist, escorting audiences into realms untouched by the day-to-day. The exotic fusion of sounds that inspire her music draw upon her gypsy roots, traditional music of India and the Middle-East, Celtic and Spanish flavorings, and the shamanic soul of Peruvian Icaros. Through her entrancing melodies, sultry grooves, and compelling lyricism, Ariana becomes a siren for the soulfully seeking. She does so in the most enchanting way, through the uncommon passion and lush purity of her angelic voice. “Ariana not only has one of the most achingly beautiful voices you have ever heard, but she writes incredible songs as well. Her songs go to depths and heights not often visited by songwriters today. Mystical, sensual, inspiring, and real; she is not afraid of the darkness, but, just as important, she is not afraid of the light.” — T.D.H., Boulder, CO “Ariana’s performances are prayerful and passionate, provocative and playful. Her beautiful voice and rhythms weave sublime strands of the sacred into a kinesthetic personal experience for the listener. Yum! Long live the gypsy heart.” – D.F., Boulder, CO

2018-01-09T21:03:08-08:00Categories: Uncategorized|

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