Wednesday, November 13th, 7:00-9:00pm

 $15 Pre-Registration Required.

Call 541.330.0334 or email

 Join Integrative Healing Practitioner Aowyn Gierada for an evening that will support you in being fully present and coming into loving, compassionate connection with one another. No partner required.


Vulnerability and transparency are hot topics. Many people feel that being vulnerable implies weakness, when it actually takes great strength and courage to let go of the layers of defense we build around our emotional state. We come up with so many creative ways to hide from others. The exchange of seeing others through accepting eyes, and being seen with all your faults and perfections, can be a challenge… but it can also open you up to deep connection, receptivity, resilience, genuine support of others, and a life that feels more rich and meaningful. Brene Brown’s TedTalk on vulnerability is a beautiful exploration of this topic.

Connection is a skill, and we’re all somewhere on the spectrum of skillfulness. In a supportive environment, we’ll use mindfulness and interactive exercises to practice authenticity and vulnerability, lovingness and acceptance, and we’ll explore how connection happens not only through our words, but also our energy, our eyes and our movements.


Aowyn Gierada has been working with groups and individuals since 2009. Her practice evolved from 15 years of immersion in meditation and mindfulness-based practices including: conscious movement, Osho Dynamic Meditation, Yoga, Reiki, guided visualization, Theravada Vipassana meditation, Solsara, The Hakomi Method of Body-Centered Psychotherapy and The Re-Creation of the Self Model for Human Systems (R-CS). She completed First and Second Degree Reiki and was fully attuned in 2004. Aowyn is a graduate of M.E.T.A.’s Two Year Comprehensive Training in Hakomi, R-CS, attachment and trauma-release methods, with additional focus on R-CS with its creator, Jon Eisman. She currently offers integrative healing sessions to individuals in Bend. For more information, please visit