Blood Sugar-Hormone Connection

By Marisa Malzone, MS, CNS-c

If you have been trying to balance your hormones and feeling like nothing’s changing, blood sugar regulation might be the missing piece. A common misconception many people have is that hormonal issues exist in a vacuum. The reality is that hormones are constantly responding and sending signals based on the body’s environment, both internal and external. When our blood sugar is unstable throughout the day, our hormones will respond accordingly.

You can think of glucose regulation as the umbrella over your other hormones. For example, if your blood sugar gets too high or too low, either too much insulin or too much cortisol will be released, which will influence thyroid and sex hormone balance.

By addressing blood sugar balance through food and stress management, you can begin to balance hormones from the ground up. Once the basics are covered, hormone testing and supplementation are next steps that can bring you further on the path to optimal health.

Another key part of the hormone umbrella is oxytocin, a neuropeptide most well known as the “cuddle hormone” that plays a role in trust and empathy. This is powerful evidence that meaningful social connection also plays a part in hormone health.

Three things you can do today:

Take 3 deep breaths before a meal. This will lower cortisol and encourage your body to use nutrients for fuel instead of storing them as a safety mechanism.

Pair carbohydrates with protein and healthy fat to keep glucose levels steady throughout the day.

Do something to boost oxytocin. Reach out to a friend you haven’t talked to in a while, give someone a big hug, snuggle your pet, meditate, etc.

Marisa offers Functional Nutrition Consultations and DUTCH hormone testing to get to the root cause of hormonal imbalances. Call 541-330-0334 to schedule an appointment or feel free to use our online appointment request form.