Creative Expression = Health = Hawthorn Cafe’

Multiple fields of research and scientific studies now prove what may have already been obvious:  That tapping into the deeper wells of who we are, and pushing our edges through creative expression is not only good for mental health, but also helps to create a [...]

2018-04-04T11:12:59-07:00Categories: Blog, Uncategorized|

Healthy Holidays: The Recipe Collection!

Healthy Holiday Meal Ideas (serves 6-8 – adjust accordingly) Turkey: Basting Sauce: 21⁄4 cups chicken or veggie broth 1⁄2 cup non-hydrogenated canola spread 1⁄2 tsp salt 1 tsp dried thyme 1⁄4 tsp each: dried marjoram and rosemary 1⁄4 cup fresh parsley, chopped 2 Tbsp. fresh [...]

2018-01-09T21:03:01-08:00Categories: Blog, Uncategorized|

Healthy Holiday Eating with Dr. Kerie Raymond, ND

Healthy for the Holidays. Healthy Holiday Eating. How do you keep from gaining weight this holiday season?  You can enjoy an occasional sugar-containing food, but it must be substituted for other carbohydrates already in your diet. If you want a small slice of pumpkin [...]

2018-01-09T21:03:01-08:00Categories: Blog, Uncategorized|
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