Whether dealing with a life-threatening illness or chronic condition Naturopathy can be hugely beneficial at improving a patient’s quality of life, even as they continue undergo necessary medical treatment.

The human body is an elegantly designed ecosystem. When all body functions are working in harmony, good health thrives. When illness occurs due to a virus or infection or an encounter with an environmental force, it creates a ripple effect that can lead to acute or chronic health problems.

Disease Prevention

Research in the past decade has shown that health is strongly determined and influenced by diet, environment, and stress. Lifestyle choices are now seen as a contributing factor in many chronic illnesses. For example, as much as 90 percent of type 2 diabetes, 80 percent of coronary artery disease, 70 percent of both stroke, and colon cancer is known to be preventable simply by making healthy lifestyle choices.

When disease prevention becomes the focus for a lifetime of good health, the guidance of a naturopathic medicine provider can be your best healthcare option. The naturopathic practice philosophy revolves around the body’s ability to heal itself with the understanding that when the body is balanced, it will naturally bring itself back to health.

In this way naturopathy is uniquely designed to address chronic illness, as a significant aspect of this modality is to reduce negative side-effects of disease treatment. Naturopathy offers gentle, non-invasive, and complementary treatments that differ from typical medical doctors. This preventative healthcare focus leads to improved quality of life for patients while lessening the strain of an overburdened healthcare system, particularly important during these times of COVID.

Patient Education

As naturopathic patients know, education is a big part of the practice, as our care is aimed at helping patients discover new solutions to their own health problems. Guiding patients towards holistic health in this way helps them make better lifestyle choices to prevent future disease and increase wellbeing.

Full Body Medicine

Naturopathic doctors are trained to use powerful treatments that remain outside of typical western pharmaceutical medications. These treatments can include botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, naturopathic manipulation, traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, diet and lifestyle counselling and of course, health promotion and disease prevention.

The practice of naturopathy offers a unique clinical healthcare option, helping patients to regain a sense of wellness — physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Health and happiness aren’t such a challenge when we realize that lifestyle choices contribute greatly to the daily experience of well-being.

Chronic and Life-threatening Illness

Patients presenting with chronic illness generally have gone through treatments from the traditional medical community, sometimes for years. While certain aspects of chronic illness may be under control, lingering symptoms due to disease or medication side-effects can remain outside of the management of traditional medicine. Naturopathic doctors are able to work with these patients to improve the lifestyle aspects that are under the patient’s control.

Whether dealing with a life-threatening illness or chronic condition Naturopathy can be hugely beneficial at improving a patient’s quality of life, even as they continue undergo necessary medical treatment. A naturopathic doctor can address the side effects of disease treatment while stabilizing and enhancing the patient’s overall holistic health.

At Hawthorn Healing Arts Center we believe in treatment plans that educate and inspire individuals to take care of themselves, and medicines that promote rejuvenation and vitality are the next step for an effective healthcare system.