May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month. It is also the time of year where ticks start to wake up from their winter dormancy. Contrary to popular belief, Lyme disease does exist in Oregon, and I have successfully diagnosed and treated dozens of cases of both acute and chronic Lyme in people living all over the state.

The Gut-Brain Connection: Clues for greater mental and emotional well-being

Some medical conditions are well known to contribute to mental and emotional issues — but less commonly do we think about addressing digestive health problems, for example, as a strategy to help improve depression or anxiety.

Peptide Therapy: What it is and how it works

Peptides can be used to enhance and modulate immune function, eradicate harmful and unwanted pathogens, repair and regenerate cells and tissues in the body, improve energy, reduce pain and inflammation, and more.

Head Injury and Healing Holistically

Holistic medical approaches to TBI also include evidence-based treatments like glutathione, omega-3 fatty acids, phosphatidyl choline and serine, just to name a few. Additionally, the application of hyperbaric oxygen therapy has proven useful for resolution of the symptoms associated with post-concussion syndrome.

Are Your Supplements Safe and Effective?

Many of us buy supplements from Health Food Stores, without a second thought to how they will work for our individual make up, our nutritional needs, whether they are safe or not, and if they even work! How do we know which ones are [...]

Neural Therapy for Pain Relief and Symptom Management

The goal of neural therapy is to release interference fields which can form in response to injury, surgery, vaccinations, piercings, inflammation, infections, diseased organs, dental work, stress, and psychological trauma.

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