Keeping mind and body healthy while traveling

While making travel plans for the summer with friends and family, or navigating travel for business, there are typically many logistics to manage to ensure a fun and smooth trip. Often the arranging of flight plans, hotel stays, or international details are all-consuming, leaving little time or energy left for some of the basics of self-care.

Are Your Supplements Safe and Effective?

Many of us buy supplements from Health Food Stores, without a second thought to how they will work for our individual make up, our nutritional needs, whether they are safe or not, and if they even work! How do we know which ones are [...]

Allergies, Eczema & Asthma: The Naturopathic Approach for Children

Allergies, Eczema, and Asthma:  Supporting Children with Naturopathic Medicine By Joshua Phillip, ND As a parent of two kids and a naturopathic physician, I am passionate about offering a compassionate and holistic healthcare option for kids and their families.  The Naturopathic approach for children [...]

Four Simple Steps to Staying Healthy

Naturopathic Advise on Staying Healthy How doing frour simple things can help keep you healthy.  Eat Clean. Exercise. Increase hydration. Sleep. 1. Eat Clean.  This means quit sugar. Yes NO sugar. Read all the labels (added sugars include brown sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, [...]

Dr. Sonja Halsey, ND Joins the Hawthorn Team

We are very excited to welcome Dr. Sonja Halsey to Hawthorn Healing Arts Center. Dr Halsey offers a fusion of cutting-edge clinical therapies combined with established naturopathic treatments. Her background and passion for providing state of the art holistic healthcare make Dr. Halsey an [...]

The Earth and Our Bodies

The Oath of Naturopathic Medicine states: "I will assist and encourage others to strengthen their health, reduce risks for disease, and preserve the health of our planet for ourselves, our families, and future generations." The Principles of Naturopathic Medicine are: First of all, [...]

2021-02-12T09:45:46-08:00Categories: Naturopathy, news|Tags: , , |
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